Patient must be transported to outside facility, mobile radiology van, or radiology suite for completion of assessment
Restriction to size/mobility of patient
Restrictions based on medical complexity of patient.
Patient is exposed to radiation
MBSS is time-limited due to radiation exposure
Food provided in MBSS evaluations are based on texture not patient preference.
Barium must be consumed during the assessment which may be unpleasant and even cause constipation.
Provides view of esophagus
Aspiration of secretions is the biggest predictor for aspiration pneumonia
FEES can examine secretion (saliva) management and can detect aspiration of a patient’s own secretions. FEES is a sensitive and conservative exam. Aspiration of secretions and ice chips can be evaluated to gain critical information on a patient’s anatomic and physiologic swallow impairments. Even conservative exams can yield appropriate therapy plans! No need to delay testing for patients who have severe-profound dysphagia.
Procedure can be completed at the patient's bedside; there is no need to transport patients to a different chair or outside of your facility/home.
FEES can assess kyphotic or bariatric patients.
FEES can be used on medically complex patients, including those on trach/vent.
No exposure to radiation
Patients can eat and drink everyday food items and their favorite drinks
FEES can be more cost effective than MBSS
Provides view of secretions, vocal chords and vocal cord mobility.
Instrumental swallowing assessments are completed in real time at bedside using the most up to date equipment and software. Our full color study and and videos are provided via PDF file to facilitate easy review by the speech language pathologist, family members, and physicians.
FEE’s can be completed right at the patients bedside. No need to transport your patient to the hospital or out to a van.
There is no exposure to barium or radiation. Patients are able to enjoy and assess their favorite foods or drinks.
FEES can be preformed on medically complex patients with trachs, vents and highflow nasal canulas.
FEEs will be preformed with in 2-4 days upon receiving the physician’s order. This eliminates the cost for transport, and wait time. (Some MBSS appointments a may take 2-6 weeks.) Fast diagnostics leads to better therapy and improved patient outcomes.